Do you know a child or young person with Behçet’s?

Behçet’s UK are hoping to run a creative project involving children and young people focusing on their lived experience of Behçet’s with an aim of creating information to support newly diagnosed children, young people and their parents/carers.

This project will be led by Dr Clare Pain, Consultant Paediatric Rheumatologist at Alderhey Hospital in Liverpool, and Rachael Humphreys, Trustee for Behçet’s UK.

The company Synergy Medical will be providing their expertise to potentially create an animation and wellbeing booklets from the experiences of children and young people and it is likely that a creative company will be involved in the initial stages to help create the work needed.

Behçet’s UK would really appreciate your thoughts on this project and whether your child, or you as a young person, would want to be involved.

Please help us by filling in this survey before 11pm on Sunday 21 January 2024.

Thank you!