Referral in Wales
The Behçet’s Centres of Excellence are run and funded by NHS England. This means that Behçet’s patients in Wales must apply for funding from the Welsh Health Specialised Services Committee (WHSSC) who are responsible for the joint planning of Specialised and Tertiary Services on behalf of Local Health Boards in Wales.
The application for funding for the referral to the designated Behçet’s Centres of Excellence must be made by the patient’s local Consultant (NHS Wales) to WHSSC. This can be done by completing a “Prior Approval” application and attaching a copy of their referral letter to their chosen Behçet’s Centre of Excellence.
The WHSSC application should be sent to
Please note: WHSSC only funds diagnostic and management advice from the Behçet’s Centre of Excellence. Ongoing care and treatment is provided by the patient’s local Health Board.
If there are any questions, please contact the WHSSC Patient Care Team on 01443 443443 ext.78123