Behçet’s UK Members Award Nominations
The Behçet’s UK member’s award has been created by Behçet’s UK to recognise the contribution of individuals who, have been instrumental in supporting, improving quality of life, independence and dignity of anyone in the Behçet’s UK Community.
Nominations for the 2025 Behçet’s UK Members Award will close on Wednesday 30 April 2025.
We have included answers to some of the questions you may have about making a nomination but we urge you to read the full Behçet’s UK Members Award Terms and Conditions which provide more details about the award.
Who can I nominate for the award?
You can nominate anyone whose activities relate to the purpose of this award, excluding members of the Behçet’s UK Board of Trustees (whilst in office) and Behçet’s UK Staff (current and past).
Who can make a nomination?
Award nominations can be made by all current standard members (voting) of Behçet’s UK, including those based overseas. Nominations from non-standard members (such as associate and junior members), Behçet’s UK Board of Trustees (whilst in office), staff, and self-nominations are not accepted.
How do I make a nomination?
Nominations can only be accepted if submitted using the online nomination form below or by submitting a paper nomination form (which is available from the administration office). All nominations must be supported by a written reason that demonstrates how the nominee’s activities relate to this award’s purpose.
Do I need to tell my nominee I am nominating them?
Yes, to ensure we meet all GDPR requirements you must gain consent from your nominee (or their parent/guardian if under 18) to share their personal details with us.