Behçet’s and Employment
Staying in or returning to work is likely to be one of the most important goals for someone with Behçet’s. These guides have been written to help you achieve this goal.
Behçet’s: An Employer’s Guide
A guide about Behçet’s and how it can affect people at work
This guide has been written to help employers understand Behçet’s, their responsibilities as an employer of someone with Behçet’s and how they can help their employee.
Download Behçet’s: An Employer’s Guide
Please email us at info@behcetsuk.org if you would like to receive a copy by post.
“I want to work”
A self-help guide for people with Behçet’s
A guide to help employees with Behçet’s remain in or return to work, including information on what support is available for you.
Please email us at info@behcetsuk.org if you would like to receive a copy by post.